Rule to change Active to Passive voice : Tenses-Voice ( Active and Passive) - English Grammar
Here we included Rule to change Active to Passive voice : Tenses-Voice ( Active and Passive) - English Grammar those all questions and topics that always asked in exams for class 6 7 8 9 10 11 and 12. It will help you for preparation of exams as well as your learning power and knockledge. Rule to change Active to Passive voice : Tenses-Voice ( Active and Passive) - English Grammar In this section we learn important English Grammar for exams and different topic like difinition (परिभाषा) Kinds(भेद) और Examples(उदाहरण) With Exercises(प्रश्नावली).
Rule to change Active to Passive voice : Tenses-Voice ( Active and Passive) - English Grammar
Voice ( Active and Passive)
Rule to change Active to Passive voice : Tenses
Active Voice and Passive Voice
Active Voice: Active voice के वाक्यों में subject (कर्ता) प्रधान होता है | जैसे -
1. वह फल खाता है |
He eats a fruit.
2. मैं दिल्ली शहर में रहता हूँ |
I live in Delhi city.
3. मेरे सभी दोस्त क्रिकेट खेलते हैं |
My all friends play cricket.
4. क्या आपने उसे पिटा ?
Did you beat him?
5. वे लोग कहाँ जायेंगे ?
Where will they go?
6. हमलोग अध्ययन कर चुके हैं |
We have studied.
7. अभय अपनी कार चला रहा था |
Abhay was driving his car.
Passive Voice: इसके वाक्यों में कर्म (object) प्रधान होता है |
1. उसके द्वारा फल खाया जाता है |
A fruit is eaten by him.
2. मेरे द्वारा दिल्ली शहर में रहा जाता है |
There is lived in Delhi city by me.
3. मेरे सभी दोस्तों के द्वारा क्रिकेट खेला जाता है |
Cricket is played by my all friends.
4. क्या आपके द्वारा उसे पिटा गया |
Was he beaten by you?
5. उनलोगों के द्वारा कहाँ जाया जायेगा ?
Where will be gone by them?
6. हमलोगों के द्वारा अध्ययन किया जा चूका है |
Study has been done by us.
7. अभय के द्वारा अपनी कार चलाया जा रहा था |
His car was being driven by Abhay.
समान्यत: हम जितने भी प्रकार के Tense या कोई अन्य प्रकार के वाक्य बनाते है या सीखते है सभी Active Voice में ही होते है | passive voice वाक्य में मुख्य फोकस action पर होता है |
English Grammar में निम्नलिखित प्रकार के वाक्यों का Passive voice बनाया जाता है |
(i) Tense के वाक्य
(ii) Modals के प्रयोग वाले वाक्य
(iii) Impretive sentences के वाक्य
1. Tense
सबसे पहले हम किसी भी tense के Active और Passive voice के बनावट को देखते हैं |
Present Indefinite Tense:
Asserative Sentence:
A.V: Subject + Verb1 + object + other words.
Ex: He shows his performance to people.
P.V: Subject (object) + is/am/are + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words.
Ex: His performance is shown by him to people.
नोट: यहाँ हमने subject और object के स्थान परिवर्तन एवं रूप परिवर्तन को समझने के लिए दो रंगों का प्रयोग किया है | Active voice में subject लाल रंग में है और object हरा रंग में है जबकि passive voice में subject हरा रंग में और object लाल रंग में है | इसका अर्थ ये है कि active voice के object को passive voice में subject बना दिया जाता है और active voice के subject को passive voice में object बना दिया जाता है |
subject ----------------> object
He का object him हो जाता है |
यहाँ कुछ इसी प्रकार के subject और उसके object की सूची दी गई है इसे अच्छी तरह याद कर ले |
Subjects | Objects |
I | me |
We | us |
You | You |
He | him |
She | her |
It | it |
They | Them |
One (कोई) | One |
No one | No one |
एक अन्य उदाहरण देखें |
A.V : She abuses me.
P.V : I am abused by her.
इस उदाहरण में object (me) को जब subject बनाया गया तो यह (I) बन गया और subject (She) को जब object बनाया गया तो यह (her) बन गया |
एक अन्य और उदाहरण देखें |
A.V : They love us.
P.V : We are loved by them.
अब आप समझ गए होंगे कि subject से object कैसे बनाना है और object को subject कैसे बनाना है इस table की मदद से | यदि कोई noun (संज्ञा) subject या object की जगह हो तो वो नहीं बदलता है वह वैसा ही रहता है |
जैसे -
A.V : Deepak sells books. '
P.V : Books are sold by Deepak.
नोट: यह नियम सभी प्रकार के वाक्यों में लागु होता है |
Negative Sentences:
A.V: Subject + do/does + not + Verb1 + object + other words.
Ex: He does not help me.
P.V: Subject (object) + is/am/are + not + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words.
Ex: I am not helped by him.
Interrogative Sentences:
Helping Verb:
A.V: Do/Does + Subject + Verb1 + object + other words?
Ex: Do you know him?
P.V: Is/Am/Are + Subject (object) + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words?
Ex: Is he known by you?
W.H family:
A.V: W.H + Do/Does + Subject + Verb1 + object + other words?
Ex: Where do you play cricket?
P.V: W.H + Is/Am/Are + Subject (object) + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words?
Ex: Where is cricket played by you?
Present Continuous Tense:
Asserative Sentence:
A.V: Subject + is/am/are + Verb1 + ing + object + other words.
Ex: You are taking rest .
P.V: Subject (object) + is/am/are + being + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words.
Ex: Rest is being taken by you.
Negative Sentences:
A.V: Subject + is/am/are + not + Verb1 + ing + object + other words.
Ex: They are not listening music.
P.V: Subject (object) + is/am/are + not + being + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words.
Ex: Music is not being listened by them.
Interrogative Sentences:
Helping Verb:
A.V: Is/Am/Are + Subject + Verb1 + ing + object + other words?
Ex: Am I reading this book?
P.V: Is/Am/Are + Subject (object) + being + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words?
Ex: Is this book being read by me?
W.H family:
A.V: W.H + is/am/are + Subject + Verb1 + ing + object + other words?
Ex: When is she learning her lesson?
P.V: W.H + Is/Am/Are + Subject (object) +being + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words?
Ex: When is her lesson being learnt by her?
Present Perfect Tense:
Asserative Sentence:
A.V: Subject + has/have + Verb3 + object + other words.
Ex: We have made a plan.
P.V: Subject (object) + has/have + been + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words.
Ex: A plan has been made by us.
Negative Sentences:
A.V: Subject + has/have + not + Verb3 + object + other words.
Ex: Radha has not cooked food.
P.V: Subject (object) + has/have + not + been + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words.
Ex: Food has not been cooked by Radha.
Interrogative Sentences:
Helping Verb:
A.V: Has/Have + Subject + Verb3 + object + other words?
Ex: Have you seen a lion?
P.V: Has/Have + Subject (object) + been + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words?
Ex: Has a lion been seen by you?
W.H family:
A.V: W.H + has/have + Subject + Verb3 + object + other words?
Ex: Why have they punished him?
P.V: W.H + has/have + Subject (object) + been + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words?
Ex: Why has he been punushed by them?
Past Tense
Past Indefinite Tense:
Asserative Sentence:
A.V: Subject + Verb2 + object + other words.
Ex: She demanded milk .
P.V: Subject (object) + was/were + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words.
Ex: Milk was demanded by her.
Negative Sentences:
A.V: Subject + did + not + Verb1 + object + other words.
Ex: Raju did not wear warm clothes.
P.V: Subject (object) + was/were + not + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words.
Ex: warm clothes were not worn by Raju.
Interrogative Sentences:
Helping Verb:
A.V: Did + Subject + Verb1 + object + other words?
Ex: Did you washed your hands?
P.V: Was/Were + Subject (object) + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words?
Ex: Were your hands washed by you?
W.H family:
A.V: W.H + did + Subject + Verb1 + object + other words?
Ex: When did you open this window?
P.V: W.H + was/were + Subject (object) + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words?
Ex: When was this window opened by you?
Past Continuous Tense:
Structure of sentences वाक्य की बनावट :
Asserative Sentence:
A.V: Subject + was/were + Verb1 + ing + object + other words.
Ex: I was playing music .
P.V: Subject (object) + was/were + being + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words.
Ex: Music was being played by me.
Negative Sentences:
A.V: Subject + was/were + not + Verb1 + ing + object + other words.
Ex: They were not donating their blood.
P.V: Subject (object) + was/were + not + being + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words.
Ex: Their blood was not donated by them.
Interrogative Sentences:
Helping Verb:
A.V: Was/Were + Subject + Verb1 + ing + object + other words?
Ex: Was she being happy?
P.V: Was/Were + Subject (object) + being + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words?
Ex: Was happy being been by her?
W.H family:
A.V: W.H + was/were + Subject + Verb1 + ing + object + other words?
Ex: When was she learning her lesson?
P.V: W.H + was/were + Subject (object) +being + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words?
Ex: When was her lesson being learnt by her?
Past Perfect Tense:
Asserative Sentence:
A.V: Subject + had + Verb3 + object + other words.
Ex: We had made a plan.
P.V: Subject (object) + had + been + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words.
Ex: A plan had been made by us.
Negative Sentences:
A.V: Subject + had + not + Verb3 + object + other words.
Ex: Radha had not cooked food.
P.V: Subject (object) + had + not + been + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words.
Ex: Food had not been cooked by Radha.
Interrogative Sentences:
Helping Verb:
A.V: Had + Subject + Verb3 + object + other words?
Ex: Had you seen a lion?
P.V: Had + Subject (object) + been + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words?
Ex: Had a lion been seen by you?
W.H family:
A.V: W.H + had + Subject + Verb3 + object + other words?
Ex: Why had they punished him?
P.V: W.H + had + Subject (object) + been + Verb3 + by object (subject) + other words?
Ex: Why had he been punushed by them?
Future Perfect Tense
I shall have got a letter.
मैं पत्र पा चूका होऊँगा |
Syntax :
Sub (obj) + will/shall + have + been + V3 + by + obj (sub).
(1) They will have taught me.
I shall have been taught by them.
(2) Rani will have consulted a doctor.
A doctor will have been consulted by Rani.
(3) You will not have taken tea.
Tea will not have been taken by you.
इस पाठ के अन्य दुसरे विषय भी देखे :
1. Rule to change Active to Passive voice : Tenses
2. Rules of Active to passive voice : Modals and Imperative Sentence
3. Passive Voice Exercise : type 1
4. Passive Voice Exercise : type 2
English Grammar - Voice ( Active and Passive)
English Grammar Voice ( Active and Passive) for class 6th, class 7th, class 8th, class 9th, class 10th, class 11th, class 12th for both English medium and Hindi Medium Students. We have provided these study materials created by ATP Education's experts & teachers, according to students needs and based on CBSE syllabus, UP Board syllabus, Bihar board Syllabus, Rajsthan Board, Jharkhand Booard as well as so many states boards.
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English Grammar - Voice ( Active and Passive)
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