Class 10 Chapter 1. A Triumph of Surgery NCERT Solution: NCERT Book Solutions
Class 10 chapter Chapter 1. A Triumph of Surgery Important key points for quick revision for board exams, ssc and upsc exams preparaion.
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Class 10 chapter Chapter 1. A Triumph of Surgery Important key points for quick revision for board exams, ssc and upsc exams preparaion. - Chapter 1. A Triumph of Surgery - NCERT Solution: NCERT Book Solutions for class 10th. All solutions and extra or additional solved questions for Chapter 1. A Triumph of Surgery : NCERT Solution Footprints Without Feet class 10th:English Medium NCERT Book Solutions. Class 10 chapter Chapter 1. A Triumph of Surgery Important key points for quick revision for board exams, ssc and upsc exams preparaion.
Chapter 1. A Triumph of Surgery : NCERT Solution Footprints Without Feet class 10th:English Medium NCERT Book Solutions
Class 10 chapter Chapter 1. A Triumph of Surgery Important key points for quick revision for board exams, ssc and upsc exams preparaion. - Chapter 1. A Triumph of Surgery - NCERT Solution: NCERT Book Solutions for class 10th. All solutions and extra or additional solved questions for Chapter 1. A Triumph of Surgery : NCERT Solution Footprints Without Feet class 10th:English Medium NCERT Book Solutions.
Class 10 Chapter 1. A Triumph of Surgery NCERT Solution: NCERT Book Solutions
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Chapter 1. A Triumph of Surgery
Class 10 chapter Chapter 1. A Triumph of Surgery Important key points for quick revision for board exams, ssc and upsc exams preparaion.
NCERT Solution
1. A Triumph of Surgery
Key to Read and find out:
Q1. Why is Mrs. Pumphrey worried about tricki?
Ans. tricki, the dog was listless. He seemed to have no energy. Mrs Pumphrey was worried about him because she thought that he was suffering from malnutrition.
Q2. What does she do to help him? Is she wise in this?
Ans. She thinks that tricky was suffering from malnutrition. She started to give him some extra to eat between meals.
Q3. Who is the ‘I ‘in this story?
Ans. The narrator James Herriot is ‘I’ in this story.
Think about It:
Q1. Is the narrator as rich as Trick’s mistress?
Ans. He is not as Tricky‘s mistress.
Q2. How does he treat the dog?
Ans. He took the dog to his hospital and let Tricky mixed with other dogs. He did not pamper him he treated him harshly.
Q3. why is he tempted to keep tricky on as a permanent guest?
Ans. Mrs. Pumphrey thinks’ blood. Later he started to send brandy eggs for him .Actually, Tricky did not need these thing Mr. Herriot had a good breakfast with eggs .He had good lunch with wine and a grand diner with brandy .So it was a temptation to keep tricky as a permanent guest.
Q4. Why does Mrs. pumphery think the dog‘s recovery is “a triumph of surgery”?
Ans. Mr. Herriot had taken the dog to his Surgery. Mrs. Pumphrey thought that the dog had undergone a surgery. She was not aware of the dog was a triumph of surgery’.
Think about It:
Q1. What kind of a person do you think the narrator, a veterinary surgeon , is ;/ would you say he is tactful of commonsense?.
Ans. The narrator is a Veterinary surgeon. He is very tactful. He know that Tricki was about to fall in trouble. He knows Trick’s ailment as well as treatment. He knows that Trick’s mistress would not be ready to sent Tricki with him. He did not care Mrs. Pumphrey’s tear when he was taking Tricki with him. He was tactful as he said that Tricky would have to undergo the surgery. However, he knows that the treatment was easy. He was full of commonsense.
Q2. Do you think Tricki was happy to go home? What do think will happen now?
Ans. Tricki was happy to go home. When Tricki saw his mistress, he took off from narrator’s arm and went into Mrs. Pumphrey’s lap. He stated licking her face and barking. It shows he was happy to go his mistres. Tricki was healthy now. But if Mrs. Pumphrey again pampers him ,will again fall in treble .
Q3. Do you think is a real-lift episode, or mere fiction? Or is it is a mixture of both?
Ans. The story is a real life episode. However, same things might be added to make the narrative interesting.
Talk About It:
Q1. This episode describes the silly behavior of a rich woman who is foolishly indulgent, perhaps because she is lonely. Do you think such people are merely silly, or can their actions cause harm to others?
Ans. The episodes describe the silly behavior of Mrs. Pumphrey. She was rich and lonely. She loves her dog and pampers him. He become hugely fat and saved by the doctor. She was over protective. Her indulgence was foolish. Mr. Herriot had warned Mrs. Pumphrey about Tricki’s trouble, however, she did not heed. I think such people can cause harm to others. Her foolishness caused Tricki’s trouble. The doctor had to take Tricki to his surgery.
Q2. Do you think there are parents like Mrs. Pumphrey?
Ans. Of course, there are parents like Mrs.pumphray. They take too much care of their children play outside and ovrefeed them when they seem week. It results in making their children ill. They become hugly and often suffer from many disease. Than they consult the doctors as Mrs.pumphray does. children of such parents also suffer from many mental diseases. They become coward. They loose confidence. In fact pampering is a crime for a chid.
Q3. What would have done if you were (i) a members of the staff in Mrs.pumphray's household (ii) a neighbour? What would your life have been like, in general?
Ans. if i were a member of the staff in Mrs.pumphra's household, I certainly would have tried to make her understand that pampering is bad. I would advice her not to show exessive love towards Tricki. If were her neighbour I would again have advised her not to spoil the dog by pampering him. These actions of her certainly would cause harm to other also. In general, my life would have been simple as I certainly might have convinced Mrs.pumphery that pampering is not good.
Class 10 chapter Chapter 1. A Triumph of Surgery Important key points for quick revision for board exams, ssc and upsc exams preparaion.
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Class 10 chapter Chapter 1. A Triumph of Surgery Important key points for quick revision for board exams, ssc and upsc exams preparaion. - Chapter 1. A Triumph of Surgery - NCERT Solution: NCERT Book Solutions for class 10th. All solutions and extra or additional solved questions for Chapter 1. A Triumph of Surgery : NCERT Solution Footprints Without Feet class 10th:English Medium NCERT Book Solutions. Class 10 chapter Chapter 1. A Triumph of Surgery Important key points for quick revision for board exams, ssc and upsc exams preparaion.
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Footprints Without Feet Chapter List
Chapter 1. A Triumph of Surgery
Chapter 2. The Thiefs Story
Chapter 3. The Midnight Visitor
Chapter 4. A Question of Trust
Chapter 5. Footprint without Feet
Chapter 6. The Making of a Scientist
Chapter 7. The Necklace
Chapter 8. The Hack Driver
Chapter 9. Bholi
Chapter 10. The Book That Saved the Earth