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Chapter 1. Resources Geography Class 8 In English Medium Ncert Book Solutions Exercise NCERT

 NCERT Solutions Geography class 8


Chapter 1. Resources : Exercise NCERT Geography class 8th:English Medium NCERT Book Solutions

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Chapter Chapter 1. Resources Exercise NCERT: NCERT Book Solutions for class 8th. All solutions and extra or additional solved questions for Chapter 1. Resources : Exercise NCERT Geography class 8th:English Medium NCERT Book Solutions.. All ncert books and cbse syllabus are solved chapter by chapter and also exercise within chapter and exercise solved by our expert in Hindi and English Medium for studends.

NCERT books solved questions and answers Chapter 1. Resources, Chapter 1. Resources solved questions and answers, Chapter 1. Resources in english Medium, NCERT Book Solutions for 8 Geography, chapter and excercise for Geography-Exercise NCERT, NCERT Book Solutions for class 8th, Geography, Geography class 8th, class 8th Geography, All solutions and extra or additional solved questions for Chapter 1. Resources, Geography Chapter 1. Resources, Exercise NCERT, Geography class 8th, English Medium NCERT Book Solutions

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Chapter 1. Resources


Exercise NCERT

Chapter 1. Resources:

Q1. Answer the following questions.

(i) Why are resources distributed unequally over the earth?

Answer: The Distribution of resources depends on various factors such as physical nature of the Place . the physical factors include terrain, climate, height above sea level, etc since these factors vary in level, etc. since these actors vary in different parts of the world, resources are not distributed over the earth.

(ii) What is resource conservation?

Answer: Resource development is the method of utilizing our intelligence in oder to improve the quality, usability and Utiliry  o a resource.

(iii) Why are human resources important?

Answer: Human resources are important because they have an intelligent mind which can make best use o nature to Create more resources Had humans not been there, Different substances would not have been resources . Their utility can only be realized by human beings.

(iv) What is sustainable development?

Answer: We should use resources in such a balanced way that we satisfy our needs our needs as well as conserve them for future. This concept is Called  Sustainable development.

Q2. Tick the correct answer.

(i) Which one of the following does NOT make substance a resource?

(a) utility

(b) value

(c) quantity

Answer: (c)

(ii) Which one of the following is a human made resource?

(a) medicines to treat cancer

(b) spring water

(c) tropical forests

Answer:  ( a)

(iii) Complete the statement. Biotic resources are

 (a) derived from living things

 (b) made by human beings

 (c) derived from non-living things

Answer: (a)

Q3. Differentiate between the followings.

(a) Potential and actual resources (b) Ubiquitous and localised resources


Potential resources

Actual resource

  1. A potential resource is not being used currently
  2. A potential resource can prove useful and become an actual resource in the future.
  3. Examples: uranium Deposits in Ladakh.
  4. The entire quantity o a potential resource may not be known.
  1. An actual resource is one which we use currently.
  2. An actual resource might have been a potential resource in the past. It may end up in They future.
  3. Examples: coal deposits.
  4. The Actual quantity of an actual resource is known.


Answer: (B)

Ubiquitous resources

Localized resources

  1. A ubiquitous resource is one which is found all over the world .
  2. Its presence is not governed by physical conditions.
  3. Examples: air
  1. A localized resource is one which is found in a particular region or physical condition.
  2. The presence of a localized resource is governed by physical conditions.
  3. Examples: minerals.

Q.4 Activity

Rahiman paani raakhiye,

Bin paani sab soon.

Paani gaye na ubere Moti,

manus, choon…”

[Says Rahim, keep water, as without water there is nothing. Without water pearl, swan and dough cannot exist. ] These lines were written by the poet Abdur Rahim Khankhana, one of the nine gems of Akbar’s court. What kind of resource is the poet referring to? Write in 100 words what would happen if this resource disappeared?

  • The resource referred to by the poet is the water. It is one of the most indispensable resources of life. It can be said to be one of the preconditions of lie, like air firstly, water serves the most basic purpose o drinking, without which lie is not possible. In the absence of water, one would be unable to clean clothes, utensils, or even take a birth . farmers  depend on water for irrigation. Raingation. Is so important for proper agriculture. Water is also used in cooking food. Nowadays water has proved to be a useful source of electricity. Bisedes human beings, plant require water is also required for various industrial purposes in factories. In short, no form of life can go on without water.

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1. Exercise NCERT class 8 Chap-Chapter 1. Resources

2. Additional - Question class 8 Chap-Chapter 1. Resources


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Geography Chapter List

  • Chapter 1. Resources

  • Chapter 2. Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources

  • Chapter 3. Mineral and Power Resources

  • Chapter 4. Agriculture

  • Chapter 5. Industries

  • Chapter 6. Human Resources

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